Hidden Gems Beta Reader Service Testimonials
I couldn’t be more impressed with the Hidden Gems beta program! This was my first time using beta readers—the process of finding them intimidated me and felt like it would take too much time to manage on my own—but I will be using this service with every novel I write from now on! I submitted a manuscript I’d revised and self-edited to the point where I needed to see what was working and what still needed improvements, and this service gave me those answers. The feedback was thoughtful, honest, and detailed. The readers in the Hidden Gems program clearly have a love of story and of helping authors refine characters, and Hidden Gems does all the hard work of wrangling files and feedback in a clear, efficient manner. Now I have the confidence to push through my final edits because I know which areas need a little more polishing and what aspects of the story work well. It’s an invaluable service I highly recommend!
—Nina Hatch, author of the Starting at Midnight romance series
“The Hidden Gems beta reader service feedback is invaluable! As an author I often get “too close” to the story and don’t always see the holes or deficiencies. My recent experience is that the Hidden Gems beta readers did a stellar job of pointing those issues out for me. My book will be a much better story because of this service.”
—Leah Busboom, author of The Connor Brothers romance series
“The beta reader program at Hidden Gems is invaluable! I used it for a first draft of a new novel and new genre for me. Being able to customize the questions to ask beta readers was a huge bonus as I could personalize it for the burning questions I wanted to ask my readers. Their feedback was detailed and incredibly helpful. I was especially glad to have this to compare with the feedback from my editor who reviewed it at the same time. In many ways, the beta reader feedback was even more helpful and helped to give me some context for my editor’s notes. I will definitely be using this for every new novel and highly recommend it for other authors!! I am so grateful to Hidden Gems for offering this great new service! 10 stars!!”
—Kyle Prue, author of The Sparks
Beta Reader Service
Are you breaking into a new genre and/or are interested in constructive criticism from genre superfans? The Hidden Gems Beta Reader program will ensure that you’re writing books with the widest possible marketability. Our beta readers will read your book and give you feedback on the specific questions you have about improving it, allowing you to publish the best possible book for the most positive results. All of our beta readers are given your specific book details ahead of signing up, which means they can pick the types of books that they read the most and in genres they are familiar with and enjoy.
Please Note: A $20 deposit is due at the time of booking. The final balance will be based on a variety of factors such as number of beta readers, number of words in your book, number of questions, etc. When filling out the order form, please enter as much info as you currently have with as much accuracy as possible so that you can be given an estimate on the final price. However, the final balance will be based on the actual values if those differ from your original entries. The final balance is due before your book is delivered to readers.
For more information, including a pricing calculator you can use to get an idea of what your final price will be, please check out our Beta Program FAQ!
Green – Available
Pink – Not Available
Please select the date you wish to send out your book to beta readers. Note that on your order form, you will then be able to select how much time they will have to read it and return their completed questionnaire.