At Hidden Gems, our mailing list of thousands of voracious readers receive newsletters with romance books priced at 99 cents or free on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and a special exclusive single book newsletter on Sundays. To be accepted for promotion at Hidden Gems, your book must meet the following criteria:
Only one featured book is sold per week - and that book will be on our homepage for the entire week, as well as going out at the top of all 3 of M/W/F newsletters that week. As such, this slot sells out far in advance so plan accordingly.
Only 1 Free book is offered per newsletter, and it generally attracts hundreds of clicks. The current FREE offer is also displayed on our homepage.
Select a newsletter date that corresponds with your desired promotional period to advertise your 99 cent book to our subscribers.
This option sends your book out exclusively in its own newsletter on Sunday with a large eye-catching cover image. Book must be FREE or 99 cents on day of promo and have an average review of 4 or higher.
Please note: Hidden Gems makes no guarantees about the number of sales/borrows you will receive during your booking period.