Use the tool below to customize your blurb. Unlike similar tools offered elsewhere, we offer a more current list of Amazon-supported HTML tags. In addition, the preview panel will display your blurb as it appears on Amazon, so you can be sure that your most attention-getting copy is above the "Read More" link! When you're finished, you can easily copy your blurb's HTML code with the touch of a button and paste it directly into your book's "Description" field on your KDP Bookshelf.
We wrote a blog post with more information about the tool and suggestions for use. Check it out!
Characters (including HTML): 0/4000
Press "Desktop Preview" or "Mobile Preview" to see how your blurb will display on Amazon.
Please note: since Amazon changes things frequently, we can't guarantee that currently supported HTML code will continue to work or that the preview you see here will always match exactly. If you have any issues, please contact us so we can correct the tool. Thank you!
Disclaimer: by using the Amazon Blurb Tool, you agree to hold Hidden Gems Books, its subsidiaries, and its agents harmless from all liabilities, losses, costs, damages, claims, or expenses incurred due to use of the tool, or by any content generated. Please check your input and our output before using in the Amazon KDP Dashboard.