Author Spotlight Interview: Lynn Wallace
Today’s interview is with author Lynn Wallace. According to her official bio, Wallace writes young adult paranormal romance with a Christian twist. She shared with us her journey to publication and the challenges she has overcome. It was a pleasure getting to know more about Lynn’s writing style, upcoming projects and life outside of writing.
HG: How would you describe yourself to somebody who isn’t familiar with your writing yet?
LW: I would say that I write romantic Christian fantasy. Fantasy, meaning that I use monsters to magnify the brokenness of mankind and those monsters find redemption through love, representing how we find redemption through God’s love. I do include bits of biblical truth from Scripture, and the stories are romantic because there’s always a love story. Also, I write towards a YA audience (no sex, sorry!).
HG: Fantastic. Tell us a bit about your publishing journey. When did you know you were ready to take on the “author” role?
LW: My publishing journey has been long and slow. The first book literally took about 10 years from the time of initial idea creation (way back in college!) to actual publishing. I’ve always loved writing, but I picked a practical career path back in college (you know, since everyone’s advice is “get a degree that will help you get a job”). But when the story ideas came and wouldn’t leave, and I just couldn’t let go of that desire to tell the wonderful tales that were building inside me, that’s when I realized I was ready for the author role. Even if they don’t sell well, even if it’s never more than a hobby – I just have to write my stories!
HG: Thank you for sharing that. What have been the challenges you’ve faced in your publishing career?
LW: There have been many, and I’m still facing some of them! The biggest challenge has been finding time to write. I’m actually an RN and I’ve been working full time/part time ever since college, since that’s what pays the bills. Along with that, I have a husband and two small boys (both under the age of 5). So work and family take up a lot of my time! I released my first book right after my first son was born, and the second one during the year of COVID (right before getting pregnant again). But getting the third book out has been harder, not just because we now have two kiddos but also because my husband went through a career change the past year that required me to work more as a nurse to support us. I have high hopes of finally getting there this year! Another big challenge has been financial: I don’t yet have the skills to format my own books/create covers, so that’s something I’ve had to pay for. Another bridge I am hoping to cross in the future! Also, marketing is something I have very little knowledge about, so my books are available, but no one knows they exist. It’s funny to say it, but writing the book was easy – it’s everything that comes afterwards that’s difficult!
HG: You’re balancing it all! Tell us a little bit about your actual writing process. Do you have a routine for where and when you write? Any interesting quirks?
LW: I’m a sticky note person. Each book I have written (and the future books that are still waiting) start out as a huge pile of sticky notes. Sometimes I have so many notes that I really just have to put them in order and voila! The book practically writes itself. I’ve moved from hand-writing the chapters (paper is flammable, you know!) to typing the notes directly into chapters on my laptop. I’m not picky about where I write; I’ve done chapters at Starbucks and at the college library, but primarily I end up writing at home where I can stare out the window at the trees in the backyard when the words aren’t coming. I’m a little strange in that I prefer to write in complete silence – no music, no voices, nothing but me and the story! And of course, a cup of something caffeinated (generally coffee!) is a great benefit whilst I create.
HG: Love that! Tell us a bit about your books. What can readers expect? What feeling do you hope readers are left with when they finish one of your novels?
LW: The Heart of Everything was my first novel. It’s a full-length story, featuring a vampire and a half-devil involved in a cute love triangle with a reincarnated elven princess. It does have the “Christian twist” woven into it (though perhaps not as strongly as later books will – as my faith grows, so does my writing!). The Supernatural Reasons Why I Love You is a collection of short paranormal romance stories, and a good section of it provides backstory on the characters from the first novel. With either book, I hope readers are left with a sense of happy satisfaction (since I’m a big believer in happy endings). With my novel(s), I’m hoping to encourage others in their faith or *possibly* inspire some to see what hope the Bible truly has to offer.

HG: Wonderful. What can you tell us about any other projects you have in the works?
LW: I’m midway through the process of putting edits from my editor into my third book. This book is actually the sequel to The Heart of Everything. You see, in a love triangle, one guy gets the girl and the other doesn’t. This sequel follows the guy who didn’t get the girl, and that’s where he finally gets his happily-ever-after. I have many more ideas for novels after that (there’s a trilogy involving the elven people that falls between the “origin stories” from the anthology and The Heart of Everything) but alas, most of those ideas are just sticky notes at this time.
HG: Oh, that’s great! We’ll be on the lookout for more to come! Switching gears, what do you enjoy doing when not writing?
LW: There’s what I enjoy doing, and then there’s what I usually end up doing! I love to read – I think my love of books and writing was born from my love of reading in the first place. You’d probably find me curled up on a couch somewhere with a good book if real life didn’t get in the way. As it is, I’m usually doing practical things, like cleaning the house, folding the laundry, or chasing my small children.
HG: VERY relatable. LOL. What was your last 5-star read?
LW: Definitely a book from Charlie N. Holmberg! I love everything she’s ever written. I believe the last set of books I thoroughly enjoyed from her was the Star Mother/Star Father duet. She writes beautiful fantasy romances that display love in the truest sense – not physically, but that depth of sacrifice and devotion. (She is a Christian herself, and though she doesn’t write her faith directly into her works, you can see it in the way she writes.)
HG: For fun, before we wrap up, let’s do a fast five! First one…cookies or cake?
LW: Wait, I can only pick one?! But that’s not fair! (I love carbs)
HG: Movie or book?
LW: The book, always!
HG: Pool or ocean?
LW: Probably the pool (less sand there), but either way, you’d have to convince me to leave the house first.
HG: Introvert or extrovert?
LW: Totally an introvert.
HG: eBook, print book or audiobook?
LW: Definitely the print book – that way, I don’t have to worry about charging a battery if I’m reading for hours on end!
HG: Good point! For readers that want to find out more about your stories and keep up with you, where should they go to connect or learn more?
LW: I have a website! I’m also on social media (Twitter, FB, Instagram – all links available on the website) and I do have a monthly author newsletter (which you can sign up for at the website).
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