Comments on: Are Apple and Google Screwing Over Self-Published Authors? ARC Book Reviews and Author Services Fri, 05 Jul 2024 12:02:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Breaking Free: Why Direct Sales Might Be For You - Part One - Hidden Gems Book Blog Fri, 05 Jul 2024 12:02:14 +0000 […] is compounded by one of the most frustrating roadblocks authors have faced recently – the inability to buy eBooks through the Amazon app on either Google or Apple phones. This is because of an annoying dispute between the companies, with Google and Apple demanding a […]

By: Are AI-generated Books Already Ruining Kindle Unlimited? - Hidden Gems Book Blog Fri, 21 Jul 2023 12:02:06 +0000 […] because Google and Apple have made it impossible for Amazon to sell books directly on their Kindle app, the counter-argument about focusing on […]

By: What 3 things can we learn from the Kindle Unlimited price hike? - Hidden Gems Book Blog Fri, 19 May 2023 14:48:05 +0000 […] already written about the roadblock Apple and Google have created for those of us trying to advertise books online. To quickly recap: The two major phone systems providers in the United States charge a 30% fee on […]

By: Maximize Your Book's ROI with Attribution Tags - Hidden Gems Book Blog Fri, 24 Feb 2023 13:06:05 +0000 […] have come at a better time! Especially since Amazon has now been forced to remove the ability to buy ebooks on their mobile app – severely impacting profitability for those of us who advertise our books on platforms like […]

By: Lydan Francis Sat, 07 Jan 2023 11:20:24 +0000 At the end of the day, it’s always better to go wide and place your books in the Apple Books store along with Amazon. But something that also needs to be discussed is the issue of Google Play Books having no channel to pay authors for ebook sales in certain countries, such as my own, South Africa. I engaged with them on this, and they just nonchalantly shrugged it off. They demand you have an account with a bank abroad if you wish to get paid, no option for things like Payoneer or PayPal (which I use for IngramSpark). Very thankful that Kobo offers a relatively easy way to reach Android users.

By: Aaron Shepard Fri, 06 Jan 2023 20:23:10 +0000 “a company specifically created to offer a better deal on book prices bloated by traditional publishers”

This description of Amazon is so outrageously false, it boggles the mind. A bare minimum of research on Amazon’s history and strategy will tell you that the company was initially selling books at a LOSS to build market share at the expense of physical retailers — so it could later sell higher-priced, more profitable items to those same customers. It had zero to do with existing book prices, which by the way, were NOT bloated for print books — the ONLY kind of books Amazon sold when founded. In fact, traditional publishers were well known to lose money on most of their books, making it up on their bestsellers.

Meanwhile, Amazon’s squeezing of traditional publishers — by requiring larger discounts and kickbacks in the form of marketing fees — has made it much harder for those publishers to afford to keep publishing midlist authors — the ones that lost money for them — or to pay them as much as previously. For that reason, the average earnings of traditionally published authors have plummeted. So, if you’re going to call out companies for hurting authors, at least get the right ones!

By: John Burgman Fri, 06 Jan 2023 18:22:15 +0000 Apple, 30%. Wow. What’s Amazon taking? I’m a little guy with little chance of ever making a living at this. I must continue based on the adage of doing it for the love of it. The major players are so big that all of this is completely out of my hands, like the sun’s going to come up in the morning, and there’s nothing I can do about it. I must accept and move on. I’ll now go back to the love of it. Ha!
