Comments on: Should Authors Embrace the AI Revolution? ARC Book Reviews and Author Services Fri, 02 Jun 2023 16:12:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Should Amazon impose a ban on AI-authors? - Hidden Gems Book Blog Fri, 02 Jun 2023 16:12:05 +0000 […] to be something of a double-edged sword. Services like ChatGPT have been an incredible help for generating social media posts and suggesting taglines and titles. However, more and more self-published authors are concerned […]

By: Richard McCartney Sat, 18 Feb 2023 14:08:46 +0000 Roland – a great article, thank you. I’d like to use some of these “Write the blurb {for my book}” examples in my next book on CHATGPY for Authors. The first is on Amazon at, if you care to take a look, so this would be for the second in the series I’m putting together. I’m happy to refer you as the source, if I may.
Best wishes – Richard

By: Venus Fri, 17 Feb 2023 16:50:43 +0000 Great article! Yes, authors should embrace the AI revolution because frankly, they have no choice. Everyone is going to have to embrace it because AI is now a part of our lives and it’s not going away whether people like it or not.

AI definitely has its good points and for some is a necessity. AI is a godsend for people with disabilities who rely on it to communicate, etc. A lot of authors are disabled and cannot write physically or need AI and apps to help them if they are blind or deaf. A lot of PEOPLE are disabled and use AI just to get through their daily lives. We tend to forget about the great things AI does for others when we come from a place of privilege. AI has changed the world for the better for many individuals and industries.

But back to authors, I find it amazing how you have so many up-in-arms about AI and you don’t even see authors this mad about piracy or plagiarism! They are so complacent with stuff that is really important but ready to go to war because “AI is taking over the world.” Let’s be honest, all of this vitriol is from a place of FEAR. The authors resisting this are afraid AI is going to replace THEM and no one will buy their books anymore. That’s the point. Some have even admitted this while others dress it up as if they care for cover designers and narrators when it’s really just them being selfish and only caring about how AI might affect THEM and now how it has helped so many people.

The issue is not AI, it’s the authors who feel this way and it’s their problem. If you feel like you will be so easily replaced and substituted by a computer or program, then you need to seriously step up your game. I am sure Nora Roberts isn’t losing sleep over AI. I am sure popular indies aren’t either because they know they are writing books a computer can’t just spit out. Authors who feel this way either have NO confidence in their work or they realize maybe they can’t compete on the merits of their writing. Maybe they now have to admit they aren’t that good of writers actually. Might sound harsh but when you are just so venomous toward something it’s usually because you are scared it’s going to wipe you out. Some authors are out here terrified that AI is going to take over their careers and that’s sad. Just completely sad. The only worrisome thing about that to me is that some authors feel they can so easily be replaced, which says more about themselves than AI.

I am an author and have NO issues with AI. I think it has too many advantages for all types of things to just disparage it the way some have. Sure, do some use AI for the wrong reasons? Of course, but that’s with everything. I do sympathize with anyone who is having their work or IP stolen by some AI program or others using AI like cover designers for example. Some are using AI to do generated covers and the programs are ripping off legitimate cover designers. So they definitely have a right to be concerned. I still don’t believe they should dislike it (hate the bad people, not the AI), and not all designers dislike AI. Many reputable designers use it to perfect their work, not steal from others. But AI is not the issue here, it’s the people doing the wrong things.

Authors can stomp, shout, whine, and kick all they want, AI ain’t going anywhere. And they can try to down other authors for using AI, but no one cares what they think. People are going to do what they want to do and some authors throwing hissy fits because they can’t take change is not going to stop others from using AI or from AI growing. They have to get used to it or drop out of the game.

Smart authors know that to keep growing and being successful, you have to embrace change. Things are constantly changing and if you resist changes you can’t stop, you will forever be left behind. Instead of some authors going on tirades against AI (they put more energy into hating on it than writing), they should look and see how AI can help them. Savvy authors use AI for all types of things and it has nothing to do with writing their books. AI can be useful to authors in many ways so instead of fighting something that can help them, these authors need to be more open-minded.

But the venom and hate some are spewing toward AI and those who use it is ridiculous. Authors also need to remember they are not readers. Many will say, “I’ll never read an audiobook with AI.” Well, that’s YOU, not everyone else. Plenty of readers don’t mind AI books or authors would not be producing them. You think Google and Apple would be making audiobooks with AI if they didn’t sell? Would Kobo and other outlets now offer AI-audiobooks if readers didn’t want them? Those authors who down AI audio have probably never listened to not ONE. They’re going on this myth that AI books sound like Suri or Alexa. They have their minds closed before even considering other alternatives. Then they say, “Using AI-audio books puts narrators out of jobs.” BS. Straight BS. And like we really believe these authors are resisting AI because they care about narrators. Don’t make me laugh. Amazon will be allowing AI audiobooks in the store and producing audiobooks soon too. It’s always rumblings in the industry that this is going on. They already have Polly. Amazon hates to be left behind and once Amazon allows these books, we’ll really see a meltdown from some authors.

I don’t buy narrators will be out of jobs because of AI. The authors using AI audio most likely would not have used a narrator anyway. Many cannot afford to produce audiobooks the old-fashioned way. This is an alternative for those to do it without risking so much expense and it evens the playing field a bit (another thing I believe some authors don’t like). If you are a good narrator with a reputation, you should continue to do well. But, again, if you can be so easily replaced by AI, that says more about you than the program. Authors, narrators, and whoever else who feels they will be replaced so easily need to look at themselves in the mirror. Look at their work and skills because if a computer can replace you, something is wrong with what YOU are doing. Some authors, narrators, and whoever don’t wanna face that.

I am not worried about AI taking over my career in the least. I see more pros with it than cons. Serious authors have more to worry about than fighting AI (which you can’t stop anyway). It is here to stay and you can’t run from it.

Authors need to put more time and energy into not being so negative and doom-and-gloom all the time and acknowledge the positives of things. Start learning about new things instead of resisting them. We can’t be stuck in the past forever. They need to see how stuff can help them and stop being so negative. Ironically, the ones always griping are the ones with the worst sales. I hate to say that but it’s always true. Those doing well or who have confidence aren’t losing sleep over AI. Please.

AI is NOT replacing quality writers or quality narrators. Mediocre and bad ones? Maybe. If so, that’s a good thing because it stops people from just sliding by with average work and effort.

But who I think should be worried are ghostwriters. I don’t mean the big-name ones that write for trade pubs and have connections but those who write for freelance sites like Fiverr. It’s hard enough or them to compete and AI could crush them because clients will be able to produce work on their own, cheaper, and faster without hassle. Many who are looking for ghostwriting on freelance sites aren’t looking for the next masterpiece. Many are stocking up on books just to make some money so quality isn’t that big of an issue with them. You’ll also have people calling themselves “ghostwriters” when they are really just using AI and gypping clients.

I still feel those who are producing quality in any industry will survive. It might get a little harder because things always get harder, but many will be okay.
