Comments on: Analyzing the Ad Performance of AI-Generated Art ARC Book Reviews and Author Services Mon, 28 Oct 2024 18:08:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Carol Mon, 28 Oct 2024 18:08:10 +0000 Very interesting! Great article’s

By: Jennifer Black Fri, 25 Oct 2024 16:15:01 +0000 I used Playground AI to create an avatar on Linktree in a anime fashion – to use for the smaller “Messenger” and “feed” ads (since I have an illustrated cover, and then paid for stock photography for the Story and other versions of the ad.

I have a real issue with using AI for things that people are trying to make a living at. So, like you, I have paid for custom photography and I pay artists for custom illustrated covers, purchased stock photo packages and paid designers for ads. And that isn’t changing. I won’t change or compromise on that.

But the illusteated artwork that I’d normally just do without? Anyway, between the CapCut Pro reel template and the work I did to create a reel + all the sized ads and the recommended settings? My CPC for traffic campaigns is often less than .20 per click (depending on whether a weekend or weekday, etc), and was driving 20+ subscribers to my newsletter per day.

Yes, it’s all money out of my pocket, so from that perspective, I try my best to be ethical and hold the line. But sometimes, the ease and speed with which I can do a small thing using the AI art does make a difference.

And now I’m feeling guilty and feel like I need to go get new avatars done for my by one of my artist peoples. *sigh* Gee, thanks Ginger.

By: mahalobay Fri, 25 Oct 2024 14:36:54 +0000 Hi Ginger,
As a visual artist turned literary ninja, I feel like I have the visual aspects down (yes, I have an AI-generated video edit for my book, you may shake your fist at me 🙂 )

What I am lacking in, however, is the process of creating these ad campaigns and interpreting the results. Would love to see a more indepth article about some of the settings for these ads, different types of ads and how they might work/not work for different authors, etc.


By: Emma17 Fri, 25 Oct 2024 13:55:38 +0000 Really interesting piece. Thanks, Ginger.

By: flyfizzi Fri, 25 Oct 2024 12:41:08 +0000 What I’ve noticed from using AI for experiments is that AI seems unaware there exists somewhere outside the USA. When I use it for blurbs it makes assumptions based on the story being set in the USA – it never is- and all the pictures have an America slant. I’m not sure why. AI must surely be used in Europe- where I am. And further afield. Completely confused of Compton (UK).
