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Best Young Adult Books We’ve Recently Reviewed

By: Hidden Gems | Posted on September 11, 2018

Every day, Hidden Gems subscribers receive the opportunity to review hundreds of complimentary books spanning more than 15 genres – hopefully leaving an honest review on Amazon when they’re done.  A regular feature on this blog is a periodic highlight of some true ‘Hidden Gems’ our subscribers discovered in various genres, and why you might want to check them out. Keep coming back for the latest lists, categorized by genre, and learn about some of the best books that we’ve recently sent out. Or, join our list of readers and help discover future gems yourself!  With the summer stretching on, it was only natural that YA books saw a big surge – and that was no exception in the Hidden Gems program, either. We shared some great titles with subscribers, and it was tough to choose our ten favorites of the summer months. Nevertheless, here are the best young adult books that… Read More >

Best Fantasy Books We’ve Recently Reviewed

By: Hidden Gems | Posted on September 3, 2018

Every day, Hidden Gems subscribers receive the opportunity to review hundreds of complimentary books spanning more than 15 genres – hopefully leaving an honest review on Amazon when they’re done.  A regular feature on this blog is a periodic highlight of some true ‘Hidden Gems’ our subscribers discovered in various genres, and why you might want to check them out. Keep checking back for the latest lists, categorized by genre, and learn about some of the best books that we’ve sent out. Or, join our list of readers and help discover future gems yourself!  The fantasy genre has always been one of the most evergreen in publishing – and this summer was no exception, with a plethora of books we had the opportunity to share with our subscribers by a host of talented authors. As always, it was hard to narrow down our favorites to just ten of the best fantasy books,… Read More >

Best Romance Novels We’ve Recently Reviewed

By: Hidden Gems | Posted on August 28, 2018

Each day, subscribers to Hidden Gems are sent the opportunity to review hundreds of complimentary books spanning more than 15 different genres – and have become well-known for the honest reviews they choose to leave.  A new, regular feature on this blog will be a periodic highlight of some true Hidden Gems our subscribers discovered, and why you might want to check them out. Keep checking back for the latest lists, categorized by genre, and learn about some of the best books that we’ve sent out. Or, join our list of readers and help discover future gems yourself!  Romance is always one of the most popular genres for subscribers to Hidden Gems, and in July we shared the opportunity to review dozens of titles with our readers. So many, in fact, that it wasn’t easy to parse them down to a shorter list of just the best romance novels in the… Read More >

Best Thrillers We’ve Recently Reviewed

By: Hidden Gems | Posted on August 21, 2018

Every day, our readers are sent hundreds of complimentary copies over a variety of titles.  Spanning more than 15 different genres, our subscribers rarely go long without a free book to read, and are well known for the honest reviews they often choose to leave.  As part of a new, regular feature, we’ll be highlighting a handful of the true Hidden Gems of a given genre that our subscribers have recently discovered. Keep checking back for new lists featuring some of the best books that we’ve sent out, or join our list of readers and help discover future gems yourself!  July 2018 was a whirlwind month for fans of thrillers – with some great books offered up to readers of our ARC program. But that doesn’t mean you’ve missed out on reading some of the best thrillers! These books are all still for sale, so take advantage of the fact… Read More >

Putting the Grit into Girl Power: Five Thrilling Female Heroes

By: Hidden Gems | Posted on August 14, 2018

From Atomic Blonde to the new Star Wars movies, it seems like everybody is crying out for strong female characters – but not all female heroes are created equal. Here are five books series with a thrilling female lead – all of which are also great reads. In 2017, the movie Wonder Woman exploded into movie theaters, and columns across the Internet were penned proclaiming: “Finally! A female action star!” Those of us of a certain age remember previous female action heroes, though – like Sigourney Weaver in Aliens or Linda Hamilton in Terminator. Nobody seemed to make a big deal about the fearless Ellen Ripley being female, or Sarah Connor being the ultimate overprotective mama bear – and I think modern female-focused movies and books have a lot to learn from these older characters. Representation is important, and it’s fantastic that more movies and book series are being created… Read More >

Five Unsettling Books Like ‘The Outsider’

By: Hidden Gems | Posted on August 7, 2018

This May, Stephen King rewarded fans with yet another creepy tale of chilling suspense with The Outsider. If you’re a fan of unexpected tales of horror, here are five more highly-recommended reads to keep you on the edge of your seat. Stephen King has come a long way. Once described as “America’s Schlockmeister,” in 2015 he was awarded a National Medal of Arts by President Obama, proving that the nation’s tastes have evolved; and people have finally realized what a startling talent King truly is. There’s no other writer quite like him; weaving creepy tales full of unexpected twists, described with beautifully visceral language and dialogue that brings every page to life. With The Outsider, King has done it once again – presenting the grim and grisly reality of a shocking crime, and then peeling back the layers of narrative to reveal that everything is even more terrifying and messed… Read More >

Super Spy Summer Reading for Teens

By: Ginger | Posted on July 13, 2018

If you want to make sure your teens are keeping up with their reading, here are five super-spy themed series that will leave them shaken and stirred. Summer is often a tough time for parents, as kids and teens can be off school for two months or more. Unfortunately, most parents with jobs don’t enjoy that same benefit – and it’s a challenge to balance fun family activities with keeping the house in order. Throw in the pressure of making sure kids stay on top of their schooling and a lot of parents are practically at the breaking point! One great way to make sure kids keep up with their reading is to introduce them to a book series they simply can’t put down. Recent young adult sagas like The Hunger Games, the Twilight saga and the Divergent trilogy have kept kids addicted to reading – and there are plenty more equally… Read More >

Five More Realistic Sci-Fi Books Like Artemis

By: Ginger | Posted on July 4, 2018

Recently I was in New York City with my two boys, and we got to see a fantastic installation commemorating the Audible launch of Artemis, by Andy Weir – the man who wrote the iconic book (and later movie) The Martian. Seeing real-life representations of items from the book – like the ‘Gunk’ which is a home-grown food source derived from algae, or the round air-filled bubbles that tourists visited the Apollo 11 landing site in – really brought the vivid realism of the book to life; and demonstrated how Weir had once again “scienced the heck out of” crafting his tale. Weir’s style of storytelling is often described as ‘science fact’ rather than science fiction, because it’s so well researched. No joke – I even attended a screening of The Martian with a former NASA engineer who’d designed one of the experiments sent to Mars on Viking 1. He… Read More >

5 More Books Like ‘The President is Missing’

By: Hidden Gems | Posted on June 12, 2018

Want 4 more years because you can’t get enough of ‘The President is Missing’, by Bill Clinton and James Patterson? Here are five more presidential thrillers that’ll take you on a similarly wild ride. The President is Missing is poised to become one of the biggest runaway best-sellers of the year. Penned by superstar author James Patterson, with narrative direction by 42nd President Bill Clinton, it’s a taut thriller about the Commander-in-Chief’s desperate battle to save America from cyber-terrorism. Louise Penny, the bestselling author of Glass Houses, perhaps described the book best when she said it was “heart-pounding, gripping, terrifying. As I read, ferociously turning the pages, I kept asking myself, ‘Could this really happen’?” As is the problem with all good reads, even at a whopping 528 pages, The President is Missing is over all-too-quickly. The book itself is set over the course of just five days, after all…. Read More >

10 Bad Boys You Hate To Love

By: Hidden Gems | Posted on June 7, 2017

Bad Boys. You know you should stay away from them, but you’re inexplicably drawn. Is it the tattoos? The attitude? The washboard abs? Whatever it is, you can’t resist… These are the men that you should avoid at all costs – they’re powerful, often with a strong sense of self or an attitude that the world owes them something and they’re willing to take it by any means necessary. The last thing you should do is fall for them, or get caught up in their world. Here are 10 of the hottest bad boy romance novels around. Each is well reviewed by hundreds of other women that couldn’t resist their charms. Go on and click on these hard-bodied bad boys. It’s no use fighting it… you know you want to! Then, when you’re done, why not share this link with others so that they can enjoy these bad boys, too?… Read More >