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For Readers

Author Spotlight Interview: O.R. Simmonds

By: Hidden Gems | Posted on July 20, 2021

Today’s interview is with debut author O.R. Simmonds. His time travel thriller, The Timepiece and the Girl Who Went Astray releases later this month and we were honored to chat with Simmonds about his self-publishing journey, writing style and exciting upcoming projects. HG: How would you describe yourself to somebody who isn’t familiar with your writing yet? ORS: I’m the author of the upcoming time travel thriller, The Timepiece and the Girl Who Went Astray. I currently work in the games industry but have previously worked as a writer and director for nearly a decade, dreaming up deep, detailed worlds with weaving narratives only for them to be ‘value engineered’ by clients. It was during this time that I decided I no longer wanted to be a frustrated writer and to try to be an actual writer instead. Now I try to write fast-paced, adventurous stories which throw ordinary people… Read More >

Page turning mysteries for summer reading

By: Hidden Gems | Posted on July 13, 2021

No matter your interests it’s highly likely there is a mystery novel out there for you. So if you’re looking to sink into a page-turner, check out our round up which includes a variety of mysteries, from sci-fi based to cozies, that have been popular and well reviewed by Hidden Gems readers over the past few months.   Vanishing Day by Valerie Davisson Fans of J.A. Jance, Elly Griffiths, Louise Penny, C.J. Box, James Patterson, Nevada Barr, Sue Grafton, and Alexander McCall Smith will love Davisson’s fiercely independent and loyal Logan McKenna, a mystery solving school teacher. Heidi S. writes in her 5-star review, “This is the fourth book in the Logan McKenna series – and a serious page turner at that! Logan gets a new neighbor, Lori, with her 3-year-old daughter. But soon, things become increasingly dangerous. Lori is hiding out from her abusive husband, but when he shows… Read More >

Author Spotlight Interview: Jennifer Ann Shore

By: Hidden Gems | Posted on July 6, 2021

Today’s interview is with bestselling indie author Jennifer Ann Shore. Jennifer writes romance novels ranging from dystopian to vampire to adult and young adult, and it was an absolute pleasure to get to know more about her writing style, life outside of writing and upcoming projects! HG: How would you describe yourself to somebody who isn’t familiar with your writing yet? JAS: I’m Jennifer Ann Shore! I write witty and plot-driven romance books that go a bit deeper than the standard tropes. HG: Before you published your first book, you had a career in journalism and marketing. What inspired you to give fiction writing a go? JAS: For as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to be a writer. In college, while studying journalism, I toyed with the idea of writing magazine features or possibly even working at a publishing house, but ultimately, after a few freelance jobs at… Read More >

Author Spotlight Interview: Mia London and Susan Sheehey

By: Hidden Gems | Posted on June 22, 2021

Today’s author interview spotlight is an extra special feature with both Mia London and Susan Sheehey. While they’ve both written many popular romance novels individually, they’ve also co-written several steamy romances and we were honored to chat with them about their books and everything that goes into a writing partnership. Hidden Gems: How did this co-writing partnership come to be? Mia London: We were on a car trip—to a book signing. Susan Sheehey: I was riding in the front seat as Mia was driving, and I had my laptop open going through some files. I closed my laptop lid and said how much I love the sound of a laptop lid closing. That sparked the idea for essentially the entire series…a workaholic woman and her friends…which is essentially the opening scene of the first book. Samantha closing the lid on her laptop. ML: We did some brainstorming/story building for the… Read More >

5 Fantasy Summer Reads

By: Hidden Gems | Posted on June 15, 2021

Today we’re looking at some of the recent fantasy titles that our ARC readers have raved out. If you’re looking to visit another world or an alternate reality this summer, this is a great place to start.   Bisecter 4-Book Box Set: The Complete Series by Stephani Fazio This action-filled collection is perfect for fans of Leigh Bardugo, Sarah J. Maas, and Cassandra Clare. If you love fantasy, don’t miss these stories about wonder and adventure, love and sacrifice, heroes and monsters, and the blurred spaces in between. The Bisecter box set ranks in at an impressive 4.8 average star rating on Amazon! Jessica H. writes in her 5-star review, “I really enjoyed reading Bisector, the complete series four-book box set. Wade was one of my favorite characters in the series. The series was easy to read and there was plenty of conflict for Mer and the gang. The series… Read More >

Author Spotlight Interview: Tetsuo Ted Takashima

By: Hidden Gems | Posted on June 8, 2021

Tetsuo Takashima is an award winning Japanese author that has sold hundreds of thousands of copies of his more than 30 books, but has only recently started to translate those books into English, making him a new author to many North American readers. With the help of a translator, we were able to interview him about his books, many of which skillfully weave science and technology together to create thrilling novels that leave readers with a new way of looking at important issues and themes.  HG: How would you describe yourself to somebody who isn’t familiar with your writing yet? TT: I’m a failed scientist turned author. I studied for a year under a UCLA graduate program, which is where I ran against the limits of my talents with regard to the field of physics. So I’d like to continue writing novels that make use of my current scientific knowledge. HG:… Read More >

5 Kid’s Books to Enjoy This Summer

By: Hidden Gems | Posted on June 1, 2021

With summer break here for many, we thought it’d be a great time to round up five children’s books that Hidden Gems ARC readers have recently read and adored. Most of these are geared toward younger children, but with brilliant illustrations and heartwarming messages they can be enjoyed by all. Consider adding these titles to your shopping list the next time you’re buying a kid’s book for your little one!   The Snot Book: A Book for Children to Enjoy and Learn about Nose Goop, Mucus, and other Curious Facts by Marc Bacera Book 6 in the Bewildering Body series for young kids, The Snot Book is “so gross your kids won’t notice they’re learning!” Both fun and educational, this is one kid’s book you’ll enjoy reading and discussing with your children. “This gross and gooey volume of boogerific facts was a blast to read,” raves Tricia S. in her… Read More >

Author Spotlight Interview: Fynn Perry

By: Hidden Gems | Posted on May 25, 2021

Today’s interview is with Fynn Perry, author of high-concept thriller fiction. Fynn’s debut novel Earthbound––a crime thriller that crosses over into the afterlife––is now on Amazon in eBook, paperback & Kindle Unlimited. It was an absolute pleasure to get to know more about his writing style, inspiration, life outside of writing and upcoming projects! HG: Congrats on the success of your debut novel, Earthbound: A Supernatural Thriller. It is advertised as “THE 2021 MUST-READ HIGH-CONCEPT CRIME THRILLER”. For our readers that aren’t familiar with the genre, how would you describe it? FP: Thank you. High-concept is kind of a general term that can span many genres. The term is applied to any work with a unique, original, or highly visual premise. Earthbound takes place in our world and a world hidden behind our own and is written in a style that many readers have called ‘cinematic.’ It’s primarily a crime… Read More >

5 Self-Help Books To Focus Your Mental Health

By: Hidden Gems | Posted on May 18, 2021

May is Mental Health Awareness Month so we thought we’d take this opportunity to round up five self-help books that were highly rated by Hidden Gems ARC readers. While we’re not suggesting that all the answers to your stress, relationship issues or mental health challenges are in these books, we think they open up important discussions and can be a piece to the puzzle if you’re looking to focus on self-care and your own wellbeing.   Get Out of Your Head: A Toolkit for Living with and Overcoming Anxiety by Brian Sachetta With nearly 400 reviews on Amazon, this self-help book has been praised by Hidden Gems ARC readers and a broad audience alike. Get Out of Your Head helps readers to break free from fear cycles and ultimately begin to alleviate anxiety, which burdens millions of Americans. “One of the best anxiety books out there,” writes Richard S. in… Read More >

Author Spotlight Interview: Iris Morland

By: Hidden Gems | Posted on May 11, 2021

Today we’re talking to Hidden Gems reader favorite, Iris Morland, who recently became USA Today Bestselling Author Iris Morland when The Youngers collection hit the list in April. Iris writes contemporary romance and steamy romantic comedies that are enjoyed by a broad audience. It was an honor to chat with her about her path to writing, what she has in the works and to learn more about her life outside of being an author. HG: Welcome, Iris! Let’s dive right in. How would you describe yourself to somebody who isn’t familiar with your writing yet? IM: I like to think my writing is fun, full of banter between the hero and heroine. I’m also very fond of swoon-y speeches from the hero, and lots of smaller details about the characters that make them come alive. I love including little anecdotes, whether about a particular hobby, or something important in the… Read More >