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Author Interviews

Author Spotlight Interview: Samantha A. Cole

By: Hidden Gems | Posted on March 17, 2020

Today, we continue our series of author interviews by speaking to USA Today Bestselling Author Samantha A. Cole, creator of Knot a Chance, Don’t Shoot the Messenger, and Entertaining Distraction. We spoke to her about the path that led her to publication, her inspirations, and the process behind crafting her bestselling books. HG: So, WHO IS Samantha A. Cole? How do you describe yourself? Obviously, we can read your bio on Amazon – but who is Samantha A. Cole to readers who might not have heard of you before? SC: I’m an extroverted introvert lol. I’m a bit of a homebody. My favorite adventures are when I’m traveling, especially to places with history, but then I love to come home to my two pups and just chill. HG: You sound EXACTLY like me. I’ve been traveling a lot recently, but it drains you and you long to come home. So,… Read More >

Author Spotlight Interview: Morwenna Blackwood

By: Hidden Gems | Posted on March 3, 2020

This week’s author spotlight interviews is with a soon-to-be-published author who took the traditional route of seeking out a publisher, rather than going it on her own. Morwenna Blackwood kindly indulged us with her thoughts on the journey that led to seeing her debut novel, The (D)Evolution of Us, hit the bookshelves. HG: Okay, so WHO IS Morwenna Blackwood? As in, how do you define yourself? Where do you live, how many cats do you have, etc. etc.? MB: I live near the sea in Devon, Britain, with two crazy kittens and a fat ginger tom. And a husband and son, obviously! Can I define myself as a questioner of everything? I’m not sure what I believe from one day to the next, but it makes for an interesting life- and some interesting stories! HG: Okay, next question – how did you get into writing? What inspired you to put… Read More >

Author Spotlight Interview: Christian Angeles

By: Hidden Gems | Posted on February 18, 2020

While many of our author interviews are of interest more to readers of that author or that author’s genre, this one may have some particular interest to other authors – especially those that are interested in scriptwriting. Today, Ginger sits down with scriptwriter Christian Angeles to chat about his focus on the ‘mono-myth’ and how it has impacted his writing and career. Ginger has some particular experience with Christian, as he explains below. A while ago, we wrote about the importance of socializing with other writers, and it was being part of a writing group that led me to discovering the all-important Dan Harmon Story Circle – which has proved to be a game changer for my writing. Today, I’m excited to interview the man who taught that segment to our writing group – scriptwriter, reviewer, and reporter Christian Angeles. In addition to articles in New Brunswick Today and his… Read More >

Author Spotlight Interview: Clayton Graham

By: Hidden Gems | Posted on February 4, 2020

Continuing our series of author spotlight interviews, this week we chat to British science fiction author Clayton Graham, author of the Milijun series of books, which ponder the question of what first contact with aliens might really be like. Now living in Australia, Clayton braved the time difference so he could let us know what inspired his writing, and what he was working on next. Clayton Graham’s colorful life led him from the cobbled streets of Stockport, in Great Britain, to a new home in Southeastern Australia. A former aerospace engineer, Clayton continues to look skyward with his writing – penning a thrilling series of novels based around the achingly plausible realities of a potential alien invasion – and the very human questions it forces us to answer. Clayton was kind enough to chat to us about his writing and his inspiration. HG: My first question is – who are… Read More >

Author Spotlight Interview: Greg Holman

By: Hidden Gems | Posted on January 21, 2020

In today’s author interview, we chat with serial entrepreneur Greg Holman, who in the past has treated Hidden Gems subscribers to both his books – Bill Houston Rags to Riches and Billy Houston: Fall from Grace. Splitting his time between Noosa, on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast, and the idyllic beaches of Thailand, Greg has used his lifetime of experience in building businesses to create a vividly realistic and visceral tale with the ups and downs of Australian/American entrepreneur Billy.   HG: Hi Greg! So, in a nutshell for readers – how would YOU describe yourself? GH: I’m a serial entrepreneur full of imagination and ideas – and always looking for new challenges! I’ve lived an interesting and challenging life with ups and downs. After selling my last business in 2017 to a public-listed company I decided to retire from corporate life forever. I got sick of living a life of wearing… Read More >

Author Spotlight Interview: Cora Foerstner

By: Hidden Gems | Posted on January 7, 2020

This week we speak with author Cora Foerstner, the creative talent behind the Fortinbras Files series. A self-proclaimed eccentric, Cora was crazy enough to sit down with us to chat about her inspirations, motivations, and what she’s working on next. HG: So, first question – who ARE you? How does Cora Foerstner describe herself? CF: That’s a complicated question. As with all people, the things I’ve done and been have shaped the person I am. I travel and lived in South America; I’ve owned and run businesses; I’ve taught English at the university level; I raised four children. The person I was when I was twenty probably wouldn’t recognize the current me. However, I’m basically the same person I’ve always been. I’m an introvert, who can sometimes act like an extrovert. Teaching probably has a lot to do with that. Speaking in public and teaching forced me to be more… Read More >

Author Spotlight Interview: Matthew E. Nesheim

By: Hidden Gems | Posted on December 24, 2019

Today’s author interview is with Matthew E. Nesheim, author of The City Above and Below. The first in the Song of the Weaver series, Matthew’s writing has won the immediate attention of sci-fi fans, including David Bowen, of MAYDAY magazine, who compared Matthew’s work to that of Patrick Rothfuss, or Ronald D. Moore, the writer of Battlestar Galactica. We were excited to ask Matthew about his inspirations and motivations – and find out what he’s working on next.   HG: My first question is the most obvious. WHO ARE YOU? How you describe yourself to the world? MN: I’ve wanted to be a professional writer since I was around 13 or 14 years old. I think just how some people (both men and women) believe they can be professional athletes at a young age, I think that’s what I believed with writing, so most of the things I’ve done in… Read More >

Author Spotlight Interview: Ian Dickerson

By: Hidden Gems | Posted on December 10, 2019

Today, we’re continuing our series of author interviews by chatting to Ian Dickerson – who has written amazing guides to some of the most iconic characters in literature and television including The Saint, Sherlock Holmes and The Falcon. Based in beautiful Hampshire, England, Ian kindly spent a bit of time telling us about the unique path that got to see his name in print, attached to some of the fictional characters who inspired and entertained him and thousands of others growing up.   HG: So, tell me who YOU are, how you describe yourself! ID: How would I describe myself? Oh, husband, father, writer, juggler… HG: …director, producer, writer… Any other feathers in your cap? Man of mystery? With a furled umbrella and secret, buccaneering dreams? ID: Haha! HG: So, you write books about really cool things – Sherlock Holmes, the Saint, the Falcon. How did you end up doing… Read More >

Author Spotlight Interview: Daniel Gibbs

By: Hidden Gems | Posted on November 26, 2019

This week we chat with Daniel Gibbs – author of the Echoes of War series, which seamlessly blends hard science fiction with deep and emotional questions about faith, morality, and religion. With dozens of rave reviews across the series, Gibbs is fast becoming one of the most respected authors in his genre – and it’s fascinating to learn a little more about the inspirations and process that led him to embark on this epic, galaxy-spanning saga. HG: Okay, so who is Daniel Gibbs? Who is the man behind this star-spanning science fiction saga? DG: An interesting question indeed! I’d say I’m a big time nerd and something of a goof. I love college football (Go Noles!), and have probably a thousand plus sci-fi novels on my various bookshelves, both paperback and hardback. I’m a defense contractor when I’m not writing military science fiction and space opera stories. Getting dangerously close… Read More >

Author Spotlight Interview: Kevin Honeycutt

By: Hidden Gems | Posted on November 12, 2019

This week, we continue our series of author interviews by talking to an author who approached writing in a very different way than most. Kevin Honeycutt is a former teacher turned keynote speaker, who travels the world educating teachers about how to integrate more inclusive styles of teaching to the classroom, and make technology and the digital environment part of kids’ learning experience.  in 2015, Kevin published his first book – a biography and memoir talking about his traumatic youth and how it shaped his mission today. We sat with Kevin to discuss this writing process, where his book fits into the larger picture, and what’s next for his publishing career.   HG: Who Is Kevin Honeycutt? How do you describe yourself and what do you do? KH: Well, I used to be a classroom teacher. I was an art teacher for Pre-K through 12th Grade in a small district… Read More >