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Author Interviews

Author Spotlight Interview: Mia London and Susan Sheehey

By: Hidden Gems | Posted on June 22, 2021

Today’s author interview spotlight is an extra special feature with both Mia London and Susan Sheehey. While they’ve both written many popular romance novels individually, they’ve also co-written several steamy romances and we were honored to chat with them about their books and everything that goes into a writing partnership. Hidden Gems: How did this co-writing partnership come to be? Mia London: We were on a car trip—to a book signing. Susan Sheehey: I was riding in the front seat as Mia was driving, and I had my laptop open going through some files. I closed my laptop lid and said how much I love the sound of a laptop lid closing. That sparked the idea for essentially the entire series…a workaholic woman and her friends…which is essentially the opening scene of the first book. Samantha closing the lid on her laptop. ML: We did some brainstorming/story building for the… Read More >

Author Spotlight Interview: Tetsuo Ted Takashima

By: Hidden Gems | Posted on June 8, 2021

Tetsuo Takashima is an award winning Japanese author that has sold hundreds of thousands of copies of his more than 30 books, but has only recently started to translate those books into English, making him a new author to many North American readers. With the help of a translator, we were able to interview him about his books, many of which skillfully weave science and technology together to create thrilling novels that leave readers with a new way of looking at important issues and themes.  HG: How would you describe yourself to somebody who isn’t familiar with your writing yet? TT: I’m a failed scientist turned author. I studied for a year under a UCLA graduate program, which is where I ran against the limits of my talents with regard to the field of physics. So I’d like to continue writing novels that make use of my current scientific knowledge. HG:… Read More >

Author Spotlight Interview: Fynn Perry

By: Hidden Gems | Posted on May 25, 2021

Today’s interview is with Fynn Perry, author of high-concept thriller fiction. Fynn’s debut novel Earthbound––a crime thriller that crosses over into the afterlife––is now on Amazon in eBook, paperback & Kindle Unlimited. It was an absolute pleasure to get to know more about his writing style, inspiration, life outside of writing and upcoming projects! HG: Congrats on the success of your debut novel, Earthbound: A Supernatural Thriller. It is advertised as “THE 2021 MUST-READ HIGH-CONCEPT CRIME THRILLER”. For our readers that aren’t familiar with the genre, how would you describe it? FP: Thank you. High-concept is kind of a general term that can span many genres. The term is applied to any work with a unique, original, or highly visual premise. Earthbound takes place in our world and a world hidden behind our own and is written in a style that many readers have called ‘cinematic.’ It’s primarily a crime… Read More >

Author Spotlight Interview: Iris Morland

By: Hidden Gems | Posted on May 11, 2021

Today we’re talking to Hidden Gems reader favorite, Iris Morland, who recently became USA Today Bestselling Author Iris Morland when The Youngers collection hit the list in April. Iris writes contemporary romance and steamy romantic comedies that are enjoyed by a broad audience. It was an honor to chat with her about her path to writing, what she has in the works and to learn more about her life outside of being an author. HG: Welcome, Iris! Let’s dive right in. How would you describe yourself to somebody who isn’t familiar with your writing yet? IM: I like to think my writing is fun, full of banter between the hero and heroine. I’m also very fond of swoon-y speeches from the hero, and lots of smaller details about the characters that make them come alive. I love including little anecdotes, whether about a particular hobby, or something important in the… Read More >

Author Interview Round Up

By: Hidden Gems | Posted on April 27, 2021

Every now and again we have the opportunity to interview the writers that bring fantastic stories to your eReaders. From debut authors, to seasoned pros we’ve enjoyed getting to know these folks and learning about their inspiration and lives outside of writing. Today we’re pleased to bring you a round-up of our 2021 interviews thus far, so you can find your next favorite author! With well over 1 million books published every year, according to Bowker, self-published and traditionally published authors alike face a lot of competition to be seen. Authors are faced with far more decisions than simply if their book will end in a happily-ever-after. Their brand, their books, are a small business. A small business that must make not only creative choices such as cover design and blurb copy, but also marketing and advertising decisions. Through the Hidden Gems ARC program, we’ve introduced readers to books in… Read More >

Author Spotlight Interview: Alexa Padgett

By: Hidden Gems | Posted on April 13, 2021

Today’s interview is with USA Today Bestselling Author Alexa Padgett. She writes contemporary romance, mystery and fantasy and her books have garnered accolades from prestigious organizations, including Kirkus Reviews, National Indie Excellence Awards, and Publishers Weekly. It was an absolute pleasure to get to know more about her writing style, life outside of writing and upcoming projects! HG: How would you describe yourself to somebody who isn’t familiar with your writing yet? AP: I write deep stories about real people. Some of my books are angsty, some are emotional, all are about family, acceptance, and growth. I love all the feels. HG: Fantastic! What feeling do you want to leave people with when they finish one of your novels? AP: I want people to feel emotionally complete. We’ve all experienced setbacks, heartbreak, grief, frustration, anger…. I read so that I have a safe place to feel those emotions but also because I… Read More >

Author Spotlight Interview: Beth Carter

By: Hidden Gems | Posted on March 30, 2021

Today’s interview feature is with Hidden Gems reader favorite, Beth Carter. Beth is a multi-award-winning author of women’s fiction, contemporary romance, romantic comedy and children’s picture books. It was an honor to chat with her about her path to writing, the advice she has for aspiring authors and to learn more about her life outside of writing. HG: How would you describe yourself to somebody who isn’t familiar with your writing yet? BC: For many years, I worked in corporate America (in education, banking, and healthcare) and was a single mom. At age fifty, I shed my suits and heels and decided to pen my first novel. I had taken many creative writing classes in college, but was at a loss as to how to begin the publishing journey. I joined three local writers’ groups, took a six-week course, “How to Write Your First Novel,” at a community college, attended… Read More >

Author Spotlight Interview: Kait Nolan

By: Hidden Gems | Posted on March 16, 2021

Today’s author interview is with RITA Award-winning romance author Kait Nolan. Kait’s small-town contemporary romance novels are bingeworthy and always devoured by her adoring readers. We were honored to have the opportunity to interview Kait and to learn more about her writing process and what her path to becoming an author looked like.   HG: How would you describe yourself to somebody who isn’t familiar with your writing yet? KN: I write sassy, small-town, oh-so-Southern stories with strong women, lots of heart, occasional tears, and plenty of feel good along the way. HG: Lovely! Tell us about your path to becoming an author. Was it always your dream job? KN: I mean, after I decided against astronaut and found out I have zero skill as an artist (my art teacher once kindly said that my style was reminiscent of Picasso rather than telling eight-year-old me that my sense of perspective… Read More >

Author Spotlight Interview: Stephen B. King

By: Hidden Gems | Posted on March 2, 2021

Today’s spotlight interview is with thriller author Stephen B. King. We were honored to have the opportunity to discuss his writing with him. Stephen often writes about the dark world of serial killers and it was absolutely fascinating to hear more about his writing process and inspiration. HG: How would you describe yourself to somebody who isn’t familiar with your writing yet? SK: As an author I write character driven stories. For me, that’s the whole point, and the aspect I work hardest on. If I can get you, the reader, to invest in my character, feel for them, even worry for them; then hold on to my hand tightly – we’re going on a roller-coaster ride. You may not like some of my characters, some you may even detest – especially the serial killers I sometimes write about, or Dave, the protagonist in Domin8, but I will always show… Read More >

Author Spotlight Interview: Joanna Evans

By: Hidden Gems | Posted on February 16, 2021

Today’s author interview is with Joanna Evans. Joanna’s debut novel is a thriller rooted in science and has been named one of the “Best New Thriller Books to Read in 2021” by Book Authority. We were honored to have the opportunity to interview Joanna and to learn more about her writing process and what inspires her. HG: How would you describe yourself to somebody who isn’t familiar with your writing yet?    JE: I’d describe myself as someone who never thought they’d be doing anything other than psychotherapy for the rest of their life. I had achieved my dream job then, suddenly, I couldn’t see myself as “only” a therapist. I knew I had something else in store. I’d describe my writing, or at least how I hope my writing conveys, as an attention-grabbing style that holds your interest and keeps you wanting to turn the page.  HG: That’s great. When… Read More >