Author Spotlight Interview: Bethany Maines
By: Hidden Gems | Posted on August 29, 2023
Today’s interview is with author Bethany Maines. According to her official bio, Bethany is the author of romantic action-adventure and fantasy tales that focus on women who know when to apply lipstick and when to apply a foot to someone’s hind end. It was an pleasure getting to know more about her writing process and life outside of writing. HG: How would you describe yourself to somebody who isn’t familiar with your writing yet? BM: I generally say that I write Women’s Action-Adventure. It’s feminist, funny, romantic and action-packed. I’ve gotten a few eye rolls from industry “insiders” because that’s not a BISAC genre category. On the other hand, readers all know exactly what I mean and since readers are who I care about… 🤷♀️ I’ve tried out a fairly wide variety of genres – mystery, crime, paranormal romance, sci-fi, romantic suspense – but the through-line is that my heroines… Read More >
Thrilling Suspense Books to Keep You Turning Pages
By: Hidden Gems | Posted on August 22, 2023
It can be almost impossible to put down a book filled with twists, turns, and adrenaline pumping action. Thrilling suspense books are very popular amongst Hidden Gems readers, so we’ve gathered a list of five favorites that will keep you turning pages all night long. Body Count by SM Thomas Taking place after the tribulations of The Diseased, Paige is finding herself in a situation that seems even more impossible than before. The President is dying, and she can save him. But she won’t. “This isn’t the end of [Paige’s] story, and the cliffhanger is brutal! You will feel an array of emotions as you read through this thriller. The twists and turns were phenomenal, and I really loved finding out some of my theories were correct!” writes Rae in their 5-star review. “Some of the plot twists still got me and I thoroughly enjoyed it. We have some LGBTQ+… Read More >
Author Spotlight Interview: Deborah L. King
By: Hidden Gems | Posted on August 15, 2023
Today’s interview is with women’s fiction author Deborah L. King. Deborah shares with us her journey to publication and details about her writing process. We are thrilled that we got to learn more about her, and her life outside of writing. HG: How would you describe yourself to somebody who isn’t familiar with your writing yet? DK: Hi, I’m Deborah and I write women’s literary fiction. It’s also been called historical, but I refuse to believe that the 1980s are historical. I’ve been a writer and storyteller my whole life, and I published my first short story when I was seven years old. It was a melodrama about a church closing (spoiler: it didn’t close). For years, I wrote poetry, songs, and nonsensical adult stories for my own entertainment. It was only after attending a women’s writing class and reading my stories out loud that I started calling myself a… Read More >
Self-Help Books to Add To Your Toolbox
By: Hidden Gems | Posted on August 8, 2023
Self-help books don’t need to be exclusively read for your New Year’s resolution. There is no time like the present to work on your goals, or take the next step towards a healthier you. Today we have put together a list of books highly rated by Hidden Gems ARC reviewers that can help you towards who you want to be. Life After Emotionally Immature Parents by Vanessa A.P. If you are determined to break the cycle of emotional abuse so that you do not repeat it with your own kids, then Vanessa A.P.’s book is for you. “It honestly and sensitively addresses the plight of people who have grown up with emotionally immature parents,” says Candelaria in their 5-star review. “The book not only describes how the lack of an emotionally competent parent can affect a child, but also offers clear and practical guidance for overcoming the negative consequences of… Read More >
Author Spotlight Interview: Densie Webb
By: Hidden Gems | Posted on August 1, 2023
Today’s interview is with author Densie Webb. According to her official bio, Densie (not Denise) Webb has spent a long career as a freelance nonfiction writer and editor, specializing in health and nutrition and has published several books and tons of articles on the topic over the years. She transitioned into fiction several years ago and is a member of the Women’s Fiction Writers Association. It was an honor getting to know more about her writing process and life outside of writing. HG: You’ve long had a career as a freelance nonfiction writer and editor. Tell us a bit about your fiction publishing journey. When did you know you were ready to take on the “fiction author” role? DW: I would venture a guess that no writer feels “ready” to take on fiction. I know I wasn’t, but a long-time friend encouraged me to “go for it.” For me, it… Read More >
Young Adult Books for Summer Break
By: Hidden Gems | Posted on July 25, 2023
Do you know any young adults looking for books to devour over summer break? Our Hidden Gems ARC readers recently loved the following titles, and we bet the YA reader in your life will, as well. Who knows – you may find yourself a fan of the following young adult books, too. Freezing Reign by L.A. Goff With 125+ reviews and a 4.6 average star rating, Freezing Reign is a dystopian thriller which follows Mirari as she navigates a future where she’s the only woman who survived a deadly virus. “This book has an incredibly creative plot,” Tim M. writes in his five star Amazon review. “The choice that Mirari has to face is one that will leave all readers on the edge of their seats. And the character development was executed perfectly by the author. Would definitely recommend this for lovers of science fiction.” Lori A. continues in her… Read More >
Author Spotlight Interview: Ellis L. Knox
By: Hidden Gems | Posted on July 18, 2023
Today’s interview is with author and medieval historian, Ellis L. Knox. According to his official bio, he is the creator of the fantasy world called Altearth, a place where magic is real, monsters roam the land, and the Roman Empire never fell. We were honored to learn more about Knox’s journey to publication, writing style and life outside of writing! HG: How would you describe yourself to somebody who isn’t familiar with your writing yet? ELK: I’m obsessed with stories. Whether it’s television, games, or text, it’s the story that I like best. When it comes to telling stories myself, I try hard to make them as interesting as I expect to hear from others. I’m a medieval historian by training. I’ve always enjoyed SF and fantasy. After many years of fooling about with SF ideas and some fantasy, I decided there was potential in taking what I knew about… Read More >
Sizzling Romance Novels to Read in the Summer Heat
By: Hidden Gems | Posted on July 11, 2023
If you’re a regular on the Hidden Gems blog, you’ll know that romance is the most popular genre in the Hidden Gems ARC program. Our readers know that no two love stories are the same, so they scoop up new books every chance they get. If you’re looking for a new sizzling romance read to enjoy the summer weather with, there’s something for everyone on this list! A Lethal Betrayal by Lori Matthews With 340+ ratings and a 4.6 star average, A Lethal Betrayal follows coast guard agents Landry and McKenna as they investigate a murder with a dangerously attractive prime suspect. Pamela M. raves in her five star Amazon review, “An incredible start to the Coast Guard Hawaii series that immediately pulled me into the middle of all that was happening and kept me glued to the book until I read the last word of this fast-paced thriller. I… Read More >
Author Spotlight Interview: Jane Harvey-Berrick
By: Hidden Gems | Posted on July 4, 2023
Today’s interview is with award winning, multi-genre author Jane Harvey-Berrick. Jane has been publishing for years and it was an honor getting to know more about her writing process and life outside of writing. HG: How would you describe yourself to somebody who isn’t familiar with your writing yet? JHB: The short answer is contemporary romance and women’s fiction – but I don’t really like to categorise like that (even when I have to!). I write stories about people with all their flaws and failings, but people who haven’t given up, people who perhaps just need to meet the right person to find the next steps on their journey through life, their place in the world. HG: Beautiful. Tell us a bit about your publishing journey. When did you know you were ready to take on the “author” role? JHB: Oh, I’m still working on that! I never want to… Read More >
Children’s Books To Read For a Summer Reading Program
By: Hidden Gems | Posted on June 27, 2023
Do you have a young reader in your life? Or maybe you’re looking for a great bedtime story to enjoy with your youngest book lovers. With summer reading programs coming up, we have a handful of children’s books to read or add to your TBR! Our Hidden Gems ARC readers loved the following titles, and we bet your young bookworm will, as well. How Lucky Am I? by Brittney Spencer With 25 ratings and a 4.7 average star rating, How Lucky Am I? is recommended for children 5 years and younger. How Lucky Am I? is the story of an expecting parent dreaming of the future with her child. “A sweet, sweet heartfelt story to share with your children,” Whitney writes in her five star Amazon review. “You can feel the love flowing from page to page from the author’s words to her daughter. The illustrations are precious and warm… Read More >