Comments on: Using Amazon Affiliate Links to Promote Your Books ARC Book Reviews and Author Services Wed, 23 Jun 2021 21:00:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: treeheart Thu, 01 Apr 2021 15:15:58 +0000 If you use an Amazon affiliate link in a Google Calendar entry that is then embedded on a page of your website, what happens to it?

By: Hidden Gems Fri, 22 Jan 2021 15:01:15 +0000 In reply to Gordon Keirle-Smith.

That’s right, anyone that hosts an affiliate link to any product on Amazon would get both the fee for that book and a small percent from anything else that the customer buys for the next 24 hours. In fact, if a reader simply clicks the affiliate link to your book but doesn’t buy it, the host of that link will still get affiliate fees for anything that customer buys on Amazon for the next 24 hours. So it’s great for them to host a link that people click on, even if it doesn’t have a high conversion rate. The issue is just creating compelling enough copy for someone to click it. And note that the author (or whoever) that hosts your link would be using their own affiliate links (so they must be set up for it), not yours. Hope that helps.

By: Gordon Keirle-Smith Thu, 21 Jan 2021 17:18:18 +0000 Hello,
Thank you for this information. May I just confirm how I would like to use affiliates?

My book, “Revelation Antarctica” (RA), is a borderline fiction/non-fiction book (“As real as you need it to be”) designed to appeal to people who are interested in UFOs, reincarnation, synchronicity plus another 9 similar “borderline” fields.

For example, there are many “serious” books on synchronicity – but none of them are particularly “exciting”. But someone who has read “RA” might well be more inclined to read the “serious” book on the subject after having their interest aroused…

So my idea is to offer “serious” authors the opportunity of hosting an affiliate ad. on their site explaining what RA is all about… If visitors DO buy a copy of RA, the host site owner not only gets a 4% fee on the sale – they also earn the affiliate fee for anything else the customer buys on Amazon over the next 24 hours…

By: Anonymous Author Fri, 14 Feb 2020 16:58:34 +0000 I had an affiliate account with Amazon and used it solely for affiliate links on my author website. Amazon initially approved the account, then later rescinded it, saying I didn’t have enough “original content” on my website. The website is just a standard author website, with a front page showcasing my books, a book page with more info about the books, a page with a short bio and info about my cover designers, and a contact page. I have no blog. So all the content on the site is about my books. Apparently, for Amazon, this isn’t enough, even though it’s arguably all “original content.” Could you comment on this? Thanks.
