Comments on: The 5 Golden Rules of Advertising Your Book ARC Book Reviews and Author Services Mon, 20 Jul 2020 15:23:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Annabeth Saryu Fri, 13 Mar 2020 15:18:52 +0000 Thanks for the sanity check.
I’m one of those authors that has had mixed success uaing paid Amazon ads. Most months I break even or take a slight loss. And I have discovered that some books just do better with paid ads than others. I have yet to solve the mystery of why.

I’d love to hear your take on social media, especially facebook, now that organic reach is sooo low. I personally have stopped trying so hard to do ‘social posting’ I limit myself to one day a week, or special announcements. If I decide run facebook ads, I will build a lookalike audience from sources I’m currently vetting. But for now, of all the tools out there, social media seems to be getting the smallest return unless you’ve got money to throw at it.
