Comments on: Writing in the First Person Perspective – A Guide ARC Book Reviews and Author Services Fri, 24 May 2024 06:16:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: SAGATOTO Fri, 24 May 2024 06:16:46 +0000 Come on, visit our interesting website and don’t forget to invite your friends to. SAGATOTO

By: Using Alternating First-Person POV in your Novel - Hidden Gems Book Blog Fri, 03 May 2024 12:02:07 +0000 […] letting readers experience the story through their thoughts and perceptions. I’ve already written a guide to embracing the first-person POV, but in the case of stories that employ more than one point of view, there are some differences to […]

By: What can writers learn from the works of Rick Riordan? - Hidden Gems Book Blog Fri, 29 Sep 2023 12:02:11 +0000 […] third person perspective – whereas Rick Riordan’s storytelling often employs the first-person perspective, allowing readers to more intimately connect with Percy’s thoughts and emotions. This choice of […]

By: First Person or Third Person Narratives: Which is Better? - Thu, 18 Nov 2021 14:01:08 +0000 […] First person narrative is “actually a very strong voice for new writers to adopt, since it forces you into the story and also forces you to be ruthlessly disciplined about which perspective you write the story from,” Ginger, a blogger on Hidden Gem Books contends. […]

By: Marishka Grayson Fri, 10 Jan 2020 16:27:56 +0000 I’ve come to love first person POV, because it’s such an intimate experience to delve into the mind of someone else. In my current series, characters slip into “skins” of others and this is very much what I do as an author. But like the previous comments, this is also what makes writing in the first person POV very challenging. Turns out that writing from the single point of view or even multiple points of views is as limited as the person we are trying to portray. For instance, one of my characters experiences the world very narrowly: sounds, colors and smells just aren’t that relevant or noticeable to him (this is borrowed from my husband who processes stimuli very differently than I do. My senses are always engaged and in technicolor vividness). So writing from such a character’s POV will be less vivid, which some readers found too grey. If you write from the perspective of flawed characters, unreliable narrators, villainous heroes or just plain weak or wicked characters, the world you describe is colored by their experience and their perspective which can be very off-putting to the reader. Apparently, most readers want to be in the hero’s skin and not in the mind of the wicked side-kick or twisted lover’s perspective (think DC villains with backstories). It’s a challenge and an adventure to be able to write from the first person POV and stay true to the character without compromising the character’s voice which is often confused with the author’s voice but is definitely not the same thing.
