Comments on: BookBub Ads – Part Three: Building an Audience ARC Book Reviews and Author Services Mon, 10 May 2021 23:22:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ouen Owen Mon, 10 May 2021 23:22:25 +0000 What’s a reasonable number of Bookbub “readers” to consider an author as a viable target? My book is very unusual (centrist politics wrapped up in a travelogue – sort of like Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, but with politics instead of philosophy), and Centrist political writers are mostly in the 1000-4000 reader range. Prisig (Zen and the Art) himself is only at about 10,000. Is this too small a target to bother with author targeting? Should I stick to categories?

By: The right mindset can lead to successful advertising - hidden gems book blog Fri, 02 Apr 2021 12:25:03 +0000 […] writer with a budget of $5. Those kind of budgets are effective for testing things – as I’ve written about here – but the problem is they very rarely provide enough oompf to move the needle significantly […]

By: Theophilus Monroe Fri, 19 Mar 2021 14:31:16 +0000 I’d add that understanding how author audiences work on BookBub is key. If you target an author you will target readers who have interacted with that author’s BookBub page in some way. People can find a BookBub page in a variety of ways. If the author had had a featured deal, is just a major name that people seek, etc. You get much better results, though, if you target authors whose BookBub audience was built *primarily through BookBub ads.* That means, check out the ads that BookBub is serving you. Are they a good fit for your book? Try targeting them. Generally, you’ll get better results from mid-list authors than the big names. Ideally, I’ve found the sweet spot are authors, who use BookBub ads, and have an audience between 2k-20k.
