Comments on: Can authors use song lyrics in their books? ARC Book Reviews and Author Services Sat, 01 Jun 2024 01:59:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Alisha Fletcher Sat, 01 Jun 2024 01:59:26 +0000 I want to use lyrics of a song by an anonymous writer. How do you gain permission in that situation?

By: Miles Watson Fri, 10 Nov 2023 23:29:37 +0000 I used lyrics to a song in my novel “Knuckle Down.” When the publisher of the song didn’t immediately respond, I was informed by my editor that so long as I documented my good faith efforts to obtain permission, and place a disclaimer to this effect in the book with options for contacting me ex post facto, I was covered. I sent several e-mails which were ignored, and then a final plea which, to my surprise, was answered, and the answer was yes. No fee. In retrospect I’m not sure I would go the “silence is consent” route but it is my understandig it is legal, provided you remove them if so instructed at a latter date by the owner, or pay any fee requested.

By: Michael Sun, 11 Jun 2023 18:35:11 +0000 Very good advice on the use of song lyrics. I appreciate your thoughts on the matter.

By: Dorothy Horne Mon, 03 Apr 2023 22:53:44 +0000 I have a book of former newspaper essays I’m about to publish about the second half of my husband’s Alzheimer’s journey.(Already self-published a book about the first half.)) Many of my essays were inspired by praise songs, and I quote several verses from them in a lot of the essays. (I didn’t know you were supposed to get permission when I was writing them; found out recently. Can’t take them out now without ruining the essay. Hear it takes a long time to track down and get a response. What should I do?!?

By: Allyson Rice Sat, 25 Feb 2023 22:52:09 +0000 Good article!
Yes, I had to do extensive research looking for every Rights holder for every quote, every song lyric, and TV theme song lyrics. TV theme songs were the most difficult because of how many companies have been acquired by other companies, then sold again or dissolved. Some of the legal departments of the networks the shows were originally on didn’t even know who owned the rights now. (And original artists have died, and contact info on ASCAP and BMI was no longer working…). It was crazy.

You have to be a good sleuth figuring out how to track people down! Many companies, and bands, and individuals (once I finally located them) gave me permission for free since I was self-publishing. Even Conde Nast who owns the Rights to a Dorothy Parker quote from the late 20’s – just outside of public domain – let me use the quote for free.

The only things I was charged for were a Helen Keller quote for $50, and some of the lyrics from a blues song from the 40s. The lyricist is long-deceased, but Universal Music Group owns it. Still, I was able to license it for $300. Not too expensive.

It took months of dedicated work to get permissions, but better than getting sued. Public domain works are always a great resource as well.

By: Kristi Wed, 11 Jan 2023 23:19:14 +0000 I am publishing a prompted journal. Can I include a QR code to a site that has copyrighted permission to display the lyrics?
Thank you

By: Hidden Gems Tue, 25 Oct 2022 17:50:58 +0000 In reply to Christa Hillhouse.

Actually, while he does generally ask for permission, it’s not because he legally has to. As he explains in his FAQ, he does it more to maintain his relationship with the artists, not because he is legally required.,and%20writers%20over%20the%20years.

By: Christa Hillhouse Tue, 25 Oct 2022 17:39:22 +0000 Weird Al needs permission to do his parodies 😉

By: Roberta Sun, 17 Apr 2022 22:39:36 +0000 I requested permission to use a song lyric in my novel and got a reply from the publisher. They asked that I send a standard agreement. Where can I find a standard agreement online for this purpose without contacting an attorney?

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