Comments on: Boxed Sets – are they worth it? ARC Book Reviews and Author Services Fri, 28 Jan 2022 20:55:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Stacy Fri, 28 Jan 2022 13:43:37 +0000 Yes, box sets are worth it. YOUR OWN. I’m not talking about those multiauthor sets. Having a set of your own books is golden. Authors don’t seem to understand that box sets cater to a whole other audience. The same people who read individual books are not the same who buy bundles so if you don’t bundle, you are leaving money on the table. As soon as you have at least 3-4 books in a series, start bundling. I like to make mini bundles throughout a long series as opposed to just putting the whole series in one bundle because you maximize income that way. Indies should always be on their toes and doing whatever they can to sell and maximize profits. Box sets are also great for doing special promotions and discounts. You can temporarily discount a set to 0.99 or 2.99 and book on the promo sites and you can do very well. They are great to advertise on holidays. I can’t see a reason not to do a box set honestly outside of just laziness. I have heard some authors say they just didn’t wanna go through the hassle of putting one together. *shaking my head*. A few minutes is a hassle when it can be great for your brand and introduce you to new readers?
