Comments on: How the writing career blueprint has changed ARC Book Reviews and Author Services Fri, 13 Aug 2021 14:26:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Raya Khedker Fri, 13 Aug 2021 14:26:13 +0000 I am brand new to social media and social media marketing. My self published book, Dragonfly Escaping-Women’s Fiction, Upmarket Fiction is scheduled to get published on Amazon in January 2022 because I don’t know any better. That said, I am so dead serious about my writing career, I started on this journey 16 years ago, and am only just publishing because: I don’t know how to do anything “lightly,” nor do I like to make a fool of myself. If you can help me, please let’s start emailing. FYI please don’t look for me on the web— I have an abysmal presence since I hate social media. However, I know I have to embrace it if I want to succeed in today’s world, and no one has ever stopped me from achieving a goal yet! That message, in fact, is the heart of my book series. Right now I have 2 books written. The third is 2/3 written. I am not calling them a trilogy because if I can make these a success, the story continues with books 4-5-6. I have hired a marketing strategist, and she is helping with the first step of developing an online presence. Reaching out to local media etc. I will have a website and FB page up and running by the beginning of September. You can find me on Instagram but strategist wants me to repurpose all the pics w better blurbs. Will work on that too. FYI, money IS a very real constraint, but I don’t embark on any endeavor without the aim to win, and this endeavor even more so, since my younger kid, who is studying publishing, assures me I will fail. If you think you can help me, please do return my email. Thanks for your time, Raya Khedker]]> Dear Ginger,
I just wrote you a whole letter that got lost in the ether! 😭
I am brand new to social media and social media marketing. My self published book, Dragonfly Escaping-Women’s Fiction, Upmarket Fiction is scheduled to get published on Amazon in January 2022 because I don’t know any better. That said, I am so dead serious about my writing career, I started on this journey 16 years ago, and am only just publishing because: I don’t know how to do anything “lightly,” nor do I like to make a fool of myself.
If you can help me, please let’s start emailing. FYI please don’t look for me on the web— I have an abysmal presence since I hate social media. However, I know I have to embrace it if I want to succeed in today’s world, and no one has ever stopped me from achieving a goal yet! That message, in fact, is the heart of my book series. Right now I have 2 books written. The third is 2/3 written. I am not calling them a trilogy because if I can make these a success, the story continues with books 4-5-6.
I have hired a marketing strategist, and she is helping with the first step of developing an online presence. Reaching out to local media etc. I will have a website and FB page up and running by the beginning of September. You can find me on Instagram but strategist wants me to repurpose all the pics w better blurbs. Will work on that too.
FYI, money IS a very real constraint, but I don’t embark on any endeavor without the aim to win, and this endeavor even more so, since my younger kid, who is studying publishing, assures me I will fail.

If you think you can help me, please do return my email.

Thanks for your time,

Raya Khedker
